DHA MOH HAAD SDLE Exam pattern for Dental Specialist
On 05-01-2020 | Read time about 25 Minutes
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Exam Eligibility
For non-UAE nationals, three (3) years’ experience post Master's qualification is required to be eligible to write the DHA, MOH or HAAD exam. Similarly, two years of experience in required to be eligible to secure a job at Registrar level in the Saudi Arabia. As per 2022 updated guidelines, for working in Oman, one must attend the OMSB exam which requires you to have three years of experience to be eligible in giving the exam.
Below you will find exam pattern/syllabus and topic weightage for Dubai DHA exam, MOH, HAAD and SDLE (SCFH) Prometric Dental Specialist Prosthodontics, Orthodontics, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral Surgery, Pediatric Dentistry (Pedodontics), Periodontics and Endodontics exams.
Pass Score
The pass score for Specialist Exams varies based on the Speciality subject and on the specific exam (country) you are giving. Most exams are set at 65%, but some others are at 70%. If you would like to check the pass score for a specific exam, please get it confirmed from one of our friendly Support Staff on our Facebook Page.
Prosthodontics Specialist Prometric exam question format for HAAD exams
Subject area | Number of items | Weightage |
Fixed Partial Dentures (FPD) | 30 | 20% |
Complete Dentures | 21 | 14% |
Removable Partial Dentures | 12 | 8% |
Occlusion | 12 | 8% |
Team Approach | 7 | 5% |
Endodontically Treated Teeth | 7 | 5% |
Esthetic Considerations | 14 | 9% |
Communication with Lab | 7 | 5% |
Implant Prosthodontics | 15 | 8% |
Dental Materials | 12 | 8% |
Professionalism & Ethics | 7 | 5% |
Patient Safety | 7 | 5% |
TOTAL | 150 | 100% |
Prosthodontics Specialist Prometric exam question format for DHA and SDLE exams 2023
150 MCQs lasting 3 hours. Subject weightage and topics are as given in the table above
Recommended Reference Books:
1. Clinical Aspects of Dental Materials, Marcia Gladwin, Michael Bagby, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. Baltimore, Maryland, Latest Edition.
2. Contemporary Fixed Prosthodontics, S.F Rosenstiel, M.F. Land, J. Fujimoto Mosby, Latest Edition.
3. Failure in the Restored Dentition, Management and Treatment, M.D. Wise. Quintessence Publishing Co. Ltd. London, Latest Edition.
4. Fundamentals of Fixed Prosthodontics. H.T. Shillingburg, S. Hobo, LD.Whitsett, R. Jacobi, S.E Bracket. Quintessence Publishing, Chicago, Latest Edition.
5. Applied Occlusion. R. Wassel, A. Naru, J. Steele, F. Nohl. Quintessence Publishing London, Latest Edition.
6. Prosthodontic Treatment for Edentulous Patients. Complete Dentures and Implant- Supported Prostheses. Zarb and Hobrik, Latest Edition.
7. McCracken's Removable Partial Prosthodontics, Alan B. Carr, David T. Brow, Latest Edition.
Specialist Orthodontics Prometric exam question format for DHA, MOH and DOH (HAAD) exams
The total number of questions for the DHA exam is 150 MCQs to be answered over 2 hours and 45 minutes on a computer. The pass score is set at 65%. For DOH (HAAD) exams the total number of questions is 100 MCQs to be answered over 2 hours on a computer.
Subject area | Weightage |
Growth and Development | 5% |
Etiology of Malocclusion | 5% |
Cephalometric Analysis | 8% |
Biomechanics and Biology of Tooth Movement | 8% |
Interceptive Orthodontic Treatment | 14% |
Comprehensive Treatment in Preadolescents and Adolescents | 16% |
Adult and Adjunctive Orthodontics | 10% |
Orthognathic Surgery | 8% |
Craniofacial Deformities | 5% |
Special Considerations in Orthodontics | 6% |
Retention and Stability | 5% |
Ethics and Professionalism | 5% |
Patient Safety | 5% |
TOTAL | 100% |
Recommended Reading References:
1. Contemporary Orthodontics; William Proffit, Henry Fields, David Sarver. Publisher: Elsevier, St. Louis, USA, Latest Edition. Orthodontics, Current Principles and Techniques; Lee Graber, Robert Vanarsdall, Katherine Vig. Publisher: Elsevier, St. Louis, USA, Latest Edition.
2. Professionalism and Ethics, Handbook for Residents, Practical guide, Prof. James Ware, Dr. Abdulaziz Fahad Alkaabba, Dr. Ghaiath MA Hussein, Prof. Omar Hasan Kasule,
SCFHS, Latest Edition.
3. Essentials of Patient Safety, SCHS, Latest Edition.
4. Understanding Patient Safety, Robert Wachter and Kiran Gupta, Latest Edition.
Specialist Prometric Orthodontics exam question format for SDLE exams
As of July 29th 2020, the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties issued an update and revised the exam pattern as below. The total number of questions for the exam is 200 MCQs to be answered over 4 hours on a computer. This exam requires an extended amount of focus on the part of human brain on computer-screens. If is recommended that you practice solving MCQs on screens to get accustomed to the examination environment. The pass score is set at 65% (Registrar Level)
Subject area | Weightage |
Growth and Development | 5% |
Etiology of Malocclusion | 5% |
Cephalometric Analysis | 8% |
Biomechanics and Biology of Tooth Movement | 8% |
Interceptive Orthodontic Treatment | 14% |
Comprehensive Treatment in Preadolescents and Adolescents | 16% |
Adult and Adjunctive Orthodontics | 10% |
Orthognathic Surgery | 8% |
Craniofacial Deformities | 5% |
Special Considerations in Orthodontics | 6% |
Retention and Stability | 5% |
Ethics and Professionalism | 5% |
Patient Safety | 5% |
TOTAL | 100% |
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Prometric exam question format for SDLE exams
As of August 5th 2021, the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties issued the exam pattern as below. The total number of questions for the exam is 200 MCQs to be answered over 4 hours on a computer given in two parts. There is a scheduled break between the two part of exams with each part lasting 2 hours. This exam requires an extended amount of focus on the part of human brain on computer-screens. The pass score is set at 65% (Registrar Level)
Subject area | Weightage |
Anesthesia and Pain Management | 6% |
Maxillofacial Trauma | 12% |
Temporomandibular Joint | 6% |
Dentoalveolar, Preposthetic and Implant Surgery | 12% |
Craniofacial surgery, Cleft Lip and Palate | 6% |
Medically compromised patients | 6% |
Maxillofacial infections | 12% |
Maxillofacial pathology | 12% |
Deformities and Orthognathic Surgery | 12% |
Patient Safety | 5% |
Professionalism & Ethics | 5% |
TOTAL | 100% |
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Prometric exam question format for DHA and MOH exams
There are two titles recognised under DHA- 'Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery' and 'Oral Surgery'. The total number of questions for the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Specialist DHA exam is 150 MCQs to be answered over 3 hours on a computer.
Subject area | Weightage |
Anesthesia and Pain Management | Not Known |
Trauma | Not Known |
Temporomandibular Joint | Not Known |
Implant Surgery | Not Known |
Cosmetic | Not Known |
Reconstruction | Not Known |
Dentoalveolar surgery | Not Known |
Deformities and Orthognathic Surgery | Not Known |
Patient Safety | 5% |
Professionalism & Ethics | 5% |
TOTAL | 100% |
Oral Surgery Prometric exam question format for DHA exams
As of August 2021, the total number of questions for the Oral Surgery Specialist DHA and MOH exam is 70 MCQs to be answered over 2 hours on a computer. The pass score is set at 65%. For DOH (HAAD) exams the total number of questions is 100 MCQs to be answered over 2 hours on a computer.
Subject area | Weightage |
Anesthesia and Pain Management | Not Known |
Trauma | Not Known |
Temporomandibular Joint | Not Known |
Implant Surgery | Not Known |
Cosmetic | Not Known |
Reconstruction | Not Known |
Dentoalveolar surgery | Not Known |
Deformities and Orthognathic Surgery | Not Known |
Patient Safety | 5% |
Professionalism & Ethics | 5% |
TOTAL | 100% |
Recommended Reference Books:
- Contemporary Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Hupp, Ellis, and Tucker, Latest Edition, Mosby.
- Medical Emergencies in the Dental Office, Malamed, Latest Edition, Mosby.
- Handbook of Local Anesthesia, Malamed, Latest Edition, Mosby.
- Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, Fauci et al, Latest Edition, McGraw-Hill.
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Fonseca, Marciani, and Turvey, Latest Edition,WB Saunders.
Professionalism and Ethics, Handbook for Residents, Practical guide, Prof. James Ware, Dr. Abdulaziz Fahad Alkaabba, Dr. Ghaiath MA Hussein, Prof. Omar Hasan Kasule, SCFHS, Latest Edition.
Pediatric Dentistry
Specialist Prometric exam question format for SDLE exams
As of August 3rd 2020, the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties issued an update and revised the exam pattern as below. The total number of questions for the exam is 200 MCQs to be answered over 4 hours on a computer. This exam requires an extended amount of focus on the part of human brain on computer-screens. If is recommended that you practice solving MCQs on screens to get accustomed to the examination environment. The pass score is set at 65% (Registrar Level)
Subject area | Weightage |
Dental Development and Anomalies | 10% |
Prevention and Anticipatory Guidance | 8% |
Local Anesthesia and Pain Management | 6% |
Non-pharmacological Behavior Management | 6% |
Pharmacological Behavior Management | 10% |
Restorative Dentistry and Dental Material | 6% |
Special Healthcare Needs | 10% |
Pulp Therapy | 10% |
Orofacial Trauma | 10% |
Professionalism and Ethics | 5% |
Patient Safety | 5% |
Orthodontics and Space management | 8% |
Oral pathology/medicine | 6% |
TOTAL | 100% |
Specialist Prometric exam question format for DHA and HAAD exams
The total number of questions for the exam is 150 MCQs to be answered over 3 hours on a computer. The pass score is set at 70%. The Topics are similar to that shown above to Saudi SDLE Pediatric Dentistry exams. The topics and subject weight for DHA Endodontics exam is the same as that for Saudi exams (shown as above).
Specialist Prometric exam question format for HAAD exams
For DOH (HAAD) exams the total number of questions is 100 MCQs to be answered over 2 hours on a computer.
Subject area | Weightage |
Dental Development and Anomalies | - |
Prevention and Anticipatory Guidance | - |
Local Anesthesia and Sedation | - |
Non-pharmacological Behavior Management | - |
Pharmacological Behavior Management | - |
Restorative Dentistry and Dental Material | - |
Special Healthcare Needs | - |
Pulp Therapy | - |
Orofacial Trauma | - |
Professionalism and Ethics | - |
Patient Safety | - |
Orthodontics and Space management | - |
TOTAL | 100% |
Recommended References Books:
1. The Hand Book of Pediatric Dentistry, Fourth edition, Arthur Nowak and Paul Casamassimo.
2. Pinkham. Casamassimo. Field. McTigue. Nowak, Pediatric Dentistry Infancy through Adolescence, Fifth Edition.
3. McDonald. Avery. Dean, Dentistry for the Child and Adolescent, Ninth Edition.
4. Richerd Welbury, Pediatric Dentistry, Third Edition.
5. The Reference Manual of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry 2017‐2018.
6. Professionalism and Ethics, Handbook for Residents, Practical guide, Prof. James Ware, Dr. Abdulaziz Fahad Alkaabba, Dr. Ghaiath MA Hussein, Prof. Omar Hasan Kasule, SCFHS, Latest Edition.
7. Essentials of Patient Safety, SCHS, Latest Edition.
Periodontics Prometric exam question format for DHA, MOH, HAAD exams
The Periodontics DHA Specialist exam comprises of 150 questions lasting 3 hours. The Periodontics pass score is set at 65%. For DOH (HAAD) exams the total number of questions is 100 MCQs to be answered over 2 hours on a computer. The predominant topics/syllabus for exam is given below. Weightage may mimic SDLE exams. Please refer the topic weightage for Saudi SDLE Periodontics exams given below.
Topic area |
Periodontal Structures |
Aetiology, Microbiology and Immunology |
Examination, Diagnosis, Risk Factors and Classification |
Non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy, Periodontal Medicine & Pharma Therapeutics |
Periodontal Surgical Techniques and Complications |
Inter-relation between Periodontal Therapy and other Dental Specialties |
Periodontal Maintenance and long-term health |
Indications, Contraindications and Biomechanical Principles for Dental Implants |
Pre-Surgical Assessment, Treatment Planning and Site Preparation in Dental Implant Therapy |
Peri-implant Soft and Hard Tissue Management |
Surgical Complications and Management of Peri- Implant Diseases and Failures |
Maintenance of Dental Implants |
Professionalism and Ethics |
Patient Safety |
TOTAL - 100 questions |
Periodontics Prometric exam question format for SDLE exams
The Periodontics SDLE Specialist exam comprises of 200 Multiple-choice questions lasting 4 hours. The exam is administered on a computer and a test-centre, divided in to two parts with a break-time between the two parts, each part lasting 2 hours. The Periodontics pass score is set at 65%. for Registrar level.
Topic area | Weightage |
Periodontal Structures | 5% |
Aetiology, Microbiology and Immunology | 5% |
Examination, Diagnosis, Risk Factors and Classification | 10% |
Non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy, Periodontal Medicine & Pharma Therapeutics | 7% |
Periodontal Surgical Techniques and Complications | 14% |
Inter-relation between Periodontal Therapy and other Dental Specialties | 7% |
Periodontal Maintenance and long-term health | 5% |
Indications, Contraindications and Biomechanical Principles for Dental Implants | 5% |
Pre-Surgical Assessment, Treatment Planning and Site Preparation in Dental Implant Therapy | 14% |
Peri-implant Soft and Hard Tissue Management | 8% |
Surgical Complications and Management of Peri- Implant Diseases and Failures | 5% |
Maintenance of Dental Implants | 5% |
Professionalism and Ethics | 5% |
Patient Safety | 5% |
TOTAL | 100% |
Endodontics Specialist Prometric exam question format for HAAD & OMSB exams
The Endodontics Specialist exam for OMSB comprises of 70 questions lasting 1.5 hours. The Endodontics pass score is set at 50%. The main topics/syllabus covered in the exam is given below.
Subject area | NOT KNOWN |
Dental Pulp and Periapical Tissues | - |
Endodontic Pain and Emergencies | - |
Surgical Endodontics | - |
Dental Traumatic Injuries | - |
Regenerative Endodontics and Vital Pulp Therapy | - |
Primary Endodontic Treatment Procedures | - |
Endodontic Mishaps and Failures | - |
Endodontic Pharmacology | - |
Endo-Perio Lesions | - |
Medically Compromised Patients | - |
TOTAL | 100 questions |
Endodontics Prometric exam question format for DHA & SDLE exams
The Endodontics Specialist exam for DHA comprises of 150 questions lasting 3 hours. The Endodontics pass score is set at 70%. The predominant topics/syllabus for exam is given below. The topics and subject weight for DHA Endodontics exam is the same as that for Saudi exams (shown as below).
As of July 23rd 2020, the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties issued an update and revised the exam pattern as below. The total number of questions for the exam is 200 MCQs to be answered over 4 hours on a computer. There is a break-time of 30 minutes as the exam is divided in to Part 1 and Part 2 with each part having 100 questions each. This exam requires an extended amount of focus on the part of human brain on computer-screens. If is recommended that you practice solving MCQs on screens to get accustomed to the examination environment. The pass score is set at 65% (Registrar Level).
The first part will mainly comprise of Endodontic diagnosis questions and Trauma-related questions. The second part will include questions from Classic and Current Endodontic Literature, Endodontic Mishaps, and Medical Ethics and Professionalism.
Subject area | Weightage |
Diagnosis, Outcome and Treatment Planning | 15% |
Endodontic Pain and Emergencies | 8% |
Surgical Endodontics | 8% |
Dental Traumatic Injuries | 8% |
Regenerative Endodontics and Vital Pulp Therapy | 5% |
Endodontic Relation with Other Specialties | 5% |
Endodontic Mishaps | 8% |
Endodontic Pharmacology | 5% |
Classic and Current Literature | 20% |
Medically Compromised Patients | 8% |
Professionalism and Ethics | 5% |
Patient Safety | 5% |
TOTAL | 100% |
Restorative Dentistry Prometric exam question format for SDLE exams
As of July 23rd 2020, the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties issued an update and revised the exam pattern as below. The total number of questions for the exam is 200 MCQs to be answered over 4 hours on a computer. The pass score is set at 65% (Registrar Level)
Subject area | Weightage |
Basic Implantology | 9% |
Dental Anatomy and Occlusion | 10% |
Fixed Prosthodontics | 35% |
Operative Dentistry | 36% |
Professionalism and Ethics | 5% |
Infection Control & Patient Safety | 5% |
Endodontic Mishaps | 8% |
TOTAL | 100% |
Restorative Dentistry Prometric exam question format for DHA exams
The total number of questions for the DHA Restorative Dentistry exam is 150 MCQs to be answered over 2.5 hours on a computer. The pass score is set at 65%. Weightage may mimic SDLE exams. Please refer the topic weightage for Saudi SDLE Restorative Dentistry exams given above.
Subject area | Weightage |
Basic Implantology | -Not Known- |
Complete Denture Prosthodontics | -Not Known- |
Fixed Prosthodontics | -Not Known- |
Operative Dentistry | -Not Known- |
Professionalism and Ethics | -Not Known- |
Infection Control & Patient Safety | -Not Known- |
Removable Partial Prosthodontics | -Not Known- |
Dental Anatomy and Occlusion | -Not Known- |
TOTAL | 100% |
Implantology Privilege Prometric exam question format for DHA exams
The Implantology Privilege Prometric exams comprises of 100 questions lasting 2.5 hours. The Implantology Privilege DHA exam pass score is set at 70%. Please refer the topic distribution for exams given below.
Subject area | Weightage- NOT KNOWN |
Dental Implant Rational, Types and Design | - |
Medical Examination | - |
Periodontal Consideration in Implant Therapy | - |
Dental, Radiographic and Photographic Records | - |
Hard Tissue Reconstruction | - |
Diagnosis and Treatment Plan | - |
Surgical Principles | - |
Implant in the Posterior Region vs. Implant in the Esthetic Zone | |
Soft Tissue Reconstruction | - |
Immediate vs. Delayed Implant | - |
Prosthetic Options and Workflow | - |
Biomechanics and Occlusion | - |
Maintenance Complications | - |
TOTAL | 100 questions |
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