MJDF Exam Preparation Guideline & Recommended Books
On 11-11-2019 | Read time about 2 Minutes
This post is the first of a two-part posts, specific to the the MJDF exam. Please read it along side with Membership of the Joint Dental Faculties (MJDF) which details all of the topics to focus for each subjects in the exam.
The Diploma of Membership of the Joint Dental Faculties at The Royal College of Surgeons of England (MJDF RCS Eng) is an assessment developed jointly by the Faculty of Dental Surgery (FDS) and the Faculty of General Dental Practice (FGDP(UK)).
To be eligible to enter the MJDF exam, all candidates must:
possess a primary dental qualification acceptable to the boards of the dental faculties at The Royal College of Surgeons of England, and should normally be registered to practise dentistry in their country of residence
Part 1 Exam Format
150 SBA (Single Best Answers) in 3 hours.
Exam is not negatively marked.
UK Fees for 2020
The fees depend on the country you are giving exam from. Below is fees (in British Pounds) if you are giving your exams in the UK.
- MJDF part 1 £535
- MJDF part 2 £672
Recommended books
Oxford Handbook of Clinical Dentistry (latest edition)
Clinical Problem Solving by Odell (latest edition)
Master Dentistry (Vol 1 and Vol II - latest edition)
Best of Fives in Dentistry by Douglas Hammond
EMQs for Dentistry by Douglas Hammond
MCQs for Dentistry by Kathleen Fan
SAQs for Dentistry by Kathleen Fan
Recent Guidlines by NICE, SIGN and BDA Advice Sheets
Preparation Guideline
The exam requires 4 months on average for good preparation. If you have good concepts, the exam is going to be easy.
Oxford Handbook of Clinical Dentistry is the main book for this exam. This is an important book with every word and every detail extremely important. Master Dentistry series helps as a side book with Oxford Handbook of Clinical Dentistry. But it is very detailed and some of the details, is not necessary for the exams. Solve the above listed MCQs to practice. The MCQ books are very important and in order to pass the exam, they are a must!
Exam covers the latest clinical guidelines- so make sure you are up-to-date with the recent NICE guidelines, SIGN guidelines and BDA advice sheets. For important topic areas to focus and learn, click here
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