How it Works
eDental Portal is Middle East’s only dental exam preparatory platform. We guide qualified dentists to prepare for Dental Licensing Examinations across the Gulf countries, enabling dentists to be registered and legally practice in the Gulf. There is a significant gap between what is taught at Universities, what is practiced clinically and what is tested in licensing exams. To bridge the gap, eDental offers a personalised, intelligent revision resource that gives you access to extensive question bank, rich explanations, simulated tests, tutor support and progress analysis. We help you focus on your exam preparation effectively to achieve exam success.

Study Mode

Test Mode

Progress Tracker

Expert Support

Awards & Recognitions
eDental Portal is proud to be awarded and recognized globally.

Best Dental Exam Preparatory Platform 2022

Global Outreach
Dental Conference And Awards 2022
Make it a Plan, Not a Dream
We understand everyone has different learning needs. Whether you are starting out or a pro,we have a plan for you. Choose the plan that best suits your needs.
USD 158
USD 115
Learning Plans
Specialist Plan
USD 158
Select Subjects
Standard Plan
USD 115

Prepare for your Middle-East dental registration exams
At eDental, we are passionate about excellence and quality. We understand that dental practitioners are busy and need innovative revision resources to revise and perform at their best while saving time. Our experts are obsessed with providing you the most relevant questions that match the weightage, style and difficulty level seen on the actual exams. After using eDental’s question banks, you will have the knowledge and confidence to excel at any Gulf Licensing Examination.

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Success stories

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07 Nov
EDREE Exam: Enrolling for UAE Dental Residency Program
The residency programs in the UAE are a 2-3 year, accredited training programs for dentists interest...
01 Nov
Diploma of Primary Care Dentistry: A Complete Guide
A Diploma of Primary Care Dentistry (DipPCD) is an international qualification for General Dentists ...
15 Oct
Qatar DHP Specialist Exam- 2024
As of 2024, Qatar's Department of Healthcare Professions (DHP), MOHPH has introduced Examinations fo...